Arm thumb program to find first 10 fibonacci numbers

In this article let's learn how to find first 10 fibonacci numbers.Usually fibonacci numbers start from 0,1,1,2......In this we can observe that the present number in fibonacci is the summation of previous two numbers.So in this we should initialize first two numbers as -1 and +1 so that our algorithm works fine.

Let's see how the algorithm works.


2)Initialize R0 with -1,R1 with +1,counter R4 with 10 and first memory location with R2
3) Add R0 and R1
4)Store the result in memory address
5)Increment the pointer
6)Change R0 and R1 i.e store the added result in R1 and store R1 in R0 by taking temporary variable     R3
7)Decrement the pointer and compare.
8)If the counter is less then repeat step 3,4,5,6,7,8

Code goes here:

 area ascen,code,readonly
 adr r0,thumb+1
 bx r0
 mov r0,#00        ;  first two fibonacci numbers
 sub r0,r0,#01     ; assigning -1 to first register
 mov r1,#01
 mov r4,#10        ;No of fibonacci numbers to generate
 ldr r2,=0x40000000;address to store fibonacci numbers
back add r0,r1     ;adding the previous two numbers
 str r0,[r2]       ; storing the number in a memory 
 add r2,#04        ;incrementing the address
 mov r3,r0 
 mov r0,r1
 mov r1,r3
 sub r4,#01        ;decrementing the counter
 cmp r4,#00        ;comparing the counter to zero 
 bne back          ;looping back

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